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Royal Blue XXT Toughtest
Each topper measures about 2.75" long and ½" in diameter - perfect for reaching the back molars
Comes with an eraser-less pencil
Great for focusing during schoolwork
Made in the USA, ARK's Krypto-Bite® Chewable Pencil Toppers are a safe solution for kids and adults who need to chew. Chewing can be a very effective way to help calm, self-regulate, and focus, so these chewy tools are a perfect pairing for homework, note-taking, and more. As an added bonus, they also add extra weight to the pencil for increased hand awareness and to help the pencil comfortably rest in the web space between the thumb and pointer finger
- XXT / Very Firm - This is the toughest level, which we call XXT ("Xtra Xtra Tough"). It still has some “chewability” to it, but it’s fairly rigid / pretty firm. No chew tool is indestructible, but this is usually the longest lasting level for avid chewers.
PTGEM100XXTCustomers who bought this product also bought:
Royal Blue XXT Toughtest
Each topper measures about 2.75" long and ½" in diameter - perfect for reaching the back molars
Comes with an eraser-less pencil
Great for focusing during schoolwork